Wednesday, January 29, 2025

From Tragedy to Resistance: The Rising Wave of Student Protests in Serbia

Serbia is a captured state, with a degree of totalitarian power hard to imagine for those who have not experienced it firsthand concentrated in the hands of its president, Aleksandar Vučić, whose powers, by constitution, should be merely ceremonial. He has turned the country into a lawless party state, where tycoons from his close circle break all regulations while draining the budget and robbing the population in every way that the lack of state regulation allows. A central part of it is the substitution of the representation of all social groups – from workers to students, to ethnic minorities, to women, to various minorities with abducted bodies and appointed party soldiers. Recently, an event occurred that alarmed the citizens of the extent to which Vučić's rule has compromised all dimensions of public life, including basic human rights and public safety.

On November 1st, 2024, at 11:52 CET, a 48-meter-long concrete canopy at the central railway station in Novi Sad, the second-largest city in Serbia and the capital of its province Vojvodina, collapsed onto people walking or sitting beneath it, killing 15 persons, including several children, and severely injuring two more.

The station, listed with the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Novi Sad as a "property under special protection," was renovated in a process that began in 2021 and lasted until 2024. Before the renovation, the construction was assessed as structurally stable without signs of structural damage. However, shortly after the renovation under the banner of unlimited corruption, the canopy collapsed with tragic consequences.

The state, to the extent that such a thing even exists, reacted in a way that raised suspicions. Numerous politicians, along with their loyal media teams, were present at the scene during the rescue operation, often obstructing the rescuers. Owners of some companies involved in the renovation also arrived at the scene and behaved provocatively, showing disrespect for the victims and the injured. Before there was a chance for a complete forensic inspection, the remnants of the canopy were removed. The government and the all-powerful president stated that the canopy was not part of the renovation, which was quickly disproven by project documentation and photo archives. In the service of a political campaign, it underwent works that inevitably led to the collapse, and the building was put into use before the inspection, bypassing the legal safety regulations. It turned out that numerous important steps in the procedure were skipped or ignored, including the final safety check and the usage permit.

The engineer who was the supervising authority for some aspects of the renovation stated that many procedures were not followed, e.g., that paper sacks were shoved into the concrete to save money, and that crucial structural elements were removed to cut costs. Other engineers noticed that during the renovation, the canopy was additionally burdened with steel construction, glass, and stone slabs, which increased its weight by as much as eight or nine times, while the supporting anchors were not reinforced. It was revealed that the engineers responsible for planning and executing the renovation were from wrong engineering fields, such as road-building, making their qualifications questionable for renovating such a structure. Numerous indications – from earlier statements by President Vučić himself and his general style of governance to statements by some of the suspects – pointed to the major role of politics and politicians in the tragic event. A prominent politician deeply involved in the renovation, Goran Vesić, was originally arrested, but even during his arrest, he received privileged treatment, and soon after, he was released, despite the high likelihood that he could influence witnesses and manipulate evidence.

Overcome with grief for the lost lives and faced with a situation where citizens’ safety is sacrificed for the profit of the president's oligarchy, and where no one in the public space is safe, citizens, initially only from Novi Sad, and then from many other cities and towns in the country, spontaneously began to take to the streets every day at 11:52, the time of the tragedy, to hold a one-minute silence for each victim. The arrogant authorities arrested citizens for protesting, staged an attack on the Novi Sad City Assembly, and organized attacks on citizens. Officials of the ruling party – local government members, directors of public enterprises, in groups, attacked and beat citizens protesting, including severely injuring four musicians from the Belgrade Philharmonic and attacking students from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade. In response to the latter attack, the entire student population in the country reacted by blocking all universities and formulating four demands, which remain the demands of the civil protest to this day, and until they are met, the blockades will continue:

  1. Release the full documentation related to the renovation of Novi Sad Railway Station
  2. Release all those arrested for honoring the victims and dismiss the charges against them
  3. Bring charges against all those involved in physical attacks on citizens and their organizers
  4. Increase the budget for higher education by 20%.

Students were joined by their professors, and then by some entire faculties, so that eventually, all universities adopted stronger or milder support for the student blockade. To this day, all study program sin the country and all other activities at universities and most scientific institutes have been suspended.

For a while, the state continued with arrests and attacks by hooligans, but then signs of relaxation emerged: those arrested were released (except for one student, who remained in prison for two months without charges and was only recently released), and part of the documentation related to the renovation of the canopy was published – along with some potentially unreliable documents and without the documents most important for determining accountability. What is especially disturbing is that an indictment against 13 people was raised based on incomplete and questionable documentation. The additional suspicion about the fairness of the process is raised by the fact that after receiving the indictment proposal, the court decided to lift the detention for the only political official among the accused, with the explanation that the indictment does not provide grounds for any charges, and even let him flee to Italy. In Serbia, there is a specific procedure for accepting or returning the indictment, which had (and still has) not yet begun. Announcing that the indictment does not hold before it has been assessed by the court indicates that the court decisions are all already made by the politicians.

The student protests show some properties that distinguish them from previous protests in Serbia and beyond. They refuse to elect representatives or coordinators, but rather decide in plenums. They also refuse any negotiations with the officials, insisting that they only ask for the rule of law, which should not even be asked for, let alone negotiated. They also successfully remain dissociated from any political parties, movements or other organizations. The students establish a kind of alliance with farmers, whose protest had already been ongoing, and receive support from teachers and high-school students, who also go on strike.

Simultaneously, pressures by the regime are growing. The students are taken to the security service’s premises for interrogations, security service agents visit their parents at work and threaten them, people with foreign citizenship seen at the demonstrations are interrogated, deported, accused of working for foreign secret services. Party soldiers are sent to occupied faculties to beat the students, provoke incidents.

The student protests are growing too, citizens are joining, and protests are being organized in a huge number of towns, even the small ones where they have never occurred before, and where the government has firm control. On Friday, December 22nd, the streets of Belgrade saw the largest number of people protesting in the history of Serbia and Yugoslavia to the date, more than when Milošević was overthrown. When the authorities expected that the Christmas and New Year holidays would dull the edge of the protests, they continued to grow. Students were joined by other sectors: educators went on strike, as did the bar associations. On Friday, January 24th, a general strike was announced, with a massive number of individuals, firms, and associations participating, and the streets of Serbia saw the largest number of people in protests in the country's history. Meanwhile, the government started a new strategy: individuals in cars drove into the crowd, injuring random protesters. Two female students were seriously injured this way, many received lighter injuries. After a series of such attacks, universities strongly stood by the students in the blockade and demanded that the state prevent violence against them.

It is evident that the regime responds to demands for the functioning of institutions and the rule of law, for respecting the law, with violence and an unwillingness to make even the smallest step in the requested direction. Besides traditional allies of authoritarian populists like Putin, Erdoğan, and Netanyahu, sporadic and reserved reporting in the West on the protests far more popular, creative, politically potent, than many that have been exciting the Western audience for months, indicates that there is also support from the United States and the European Union. This was openly confirmed when Richard Grenell, one of Trump's closest associates in charge of international politics, published a statement that falsely accuses student protest of taking up institutions by violence, and on the same day, Gert Jan Kopman, the General Director of the Directorate-General for Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations of the European Commission, expressed support for Vučić and gathered Serbian opposition parties and NGOs to warn them that the EU would not support a violent change of government (which no one is attempting).

Victims of the canopy collapse:

  1. Milica Adamović (2008)
  2. Sanja Ćirić Arbutina (1989)
  3. Đorđe Firić (1971)
  4. Sara Firić (2018)
  5. Valentina Firić (2014)
  6. Stefan Hrka (1997)
  7. Mileva Karanović (1948)
  8. Nemanja Komar (2007)
  9. Miloš Milosavljević (2003)
  10. Goranka Raca (1966)
  11. Vukašin Raković (1955)
  12. Anđela Ruman (2004)
  13. Vasko Sazdovski (1979)
  14. Đuro Švonja (1947)
  15. Anja Radonjić (2000)

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Ping-Pong Oktobar (Ping-Pong October)

Za uspeh u stonom tenisu najbolje je biti rodjen u oktobru. Lista šampiona počinje od najveće legende.

Ma Long: 20. oktobar, 1988

Jan-Ove Waldner: 3. oktobar, 1965

Wang Nan: 23. oktobar, 1978

Zhang Yining: 5. oktobar 1981

Kong Linghui: 18. oktobar, 1975

Jean-Philippe Gatien: 16. oktobar, 1968

Mikael Appelgren: 15. oktobar, 1961

A tu je i naš Ilija Lupulesku: 30. oktobar, 1967

Januar i februar zajedno daju više šampiona: Li XiaoxiaLiu GuoliangFan Zhendong, Chen Meng (januar); Deng YapingZhang JikeMa Lin (februar). Tako se izdvajaju tri meseca, a ostatak godine djene-djene (cf. e.g. Batorfi, Boll).

Ali, moguće je da ima nečeg tempiranog za ping-pong u oktobarskim bebama. Šta kažu kineske kolege?

Pretpostavljam da se već neko bavio time, makar u Kini, tek da se zabeleži kurioziet ako ga ima.


For success in table tennis, it is best to be born in October. What do Chinese colleagues say?

Friday, August 23, 2024

Prevazići glupost

Univerzalna osobina odnosa u ljudskoj zajednici je da se onaj potlačeni, podređeni, eksploatisani predstavlja kao intelektualno inferioran: kao neodgovoran, nesposoban da se brine o sebi, nekompetentan da uredi svoju zajednicu. Bilo da se radi o odnosima među pojedincima, bilo među zajednicama. I ta predstava nije lažna: podređeni čovek se zaista ponaša neodgovorno, nekompetentno, nesposobno, ukratko: ponaša se glupo, a glupost, između ostalog, trpi, toleriše i čini nasilje i drugo štetno ponašanje, ishodujući opštu sklonost promeni na gore, nazadovanju, negativnom rezultatu svake reforme i svakog napora da se stvari poprave. Ljudi u totalitarnim režimima, na okupiranim teritorijama, u kolonijama, u nižim socijalnim klasama, generalno teže a budu površniji, manje analitični, manje pronicljivi, manje svesni posledica svojih postupaka, i skloniji da stvari objašnjavaju neophodnošću, višom silom, teorijama zavere. Pitanje zašto je ovo slučaj, obično uslovljeno frustracijom zbog nemogućnosti da se promeni, ima dugu istoriju u ljudskoj misli. Ako je nešto što se čini univerzalnim uopšte moguće promeniti, promena svakako uključuje razumevanje pojave, i njeno osvešćivanje. Pa u tom cilju i ovaj moj mali doprinos.

U Transakcionoj analizi, školi mišljenja u psihologiji, prepoznaju se tri tipa ego stanja: ego deteta (emocionalno autentično, ali ranjivo, traži zadovoljstvo), ego roditelja (nosi vrednosti, što čini da ili podržava ili osuđuje) i ego odraslog (racionalan, objektivan, uravnotežen, pravičan). Smatra se da su prva dva stanja manje stabilna i manje sklona racionalnim perspektivama od stanja odraslog.

U društvenim odnosima, dinamika ego stanja roditelja i deteta može biti povezana sa stavovima Ditricha Bonhöffera o gluposti. Bonhöffer je primetio da je glupost društveni, a ne individualno-psihološki fenomen. Govorio je o namernom neznanju: ljudi namerno ignorišu epistemološke i etičke aspekte kako bi se prilagodili autoritetu. Ova vrsta gluposti cveta u kontekstima egzistencijalne pretnje i jakog društvenog pritiska. Imitirajući odnos roditelj-dete, gde roditelji preuzimaju egzistencijalnu odgovornost za svoju decu, potlačeni prebacuju odgovornost za svoje postojanje na autoritet i preuzimaju ulogu intelektualno inferiornih. Razum zahteva koherentnost i doslednost, dok autoritarna okruženja primoravaju ljude da veruju u ono što nije logično ili istinito i da rade ono što nije etički. Prihvatanje gluposti kao kognitivnog modusa rešava tu tenziju.

Nije neočekivano, onda, da je glupost glavni ljudski znak pokornosti. U situacijama jake društvne subordinacije, podređeni pojedinac se mora praviti glupim. Znakovi inteligencije, lucidnosti i znanja su znakovi neposlušnosti. Ne razmišljaj. Pokoravaj se! Glupi ne mogu nositi odgovornost za svoja dela i postojanje; oni prepuštaju svoju odgovornost autoritetu. Oni se pokoravaju, verujući da će autoritet osigurati njihov opstanak.

Ovaj aspekt ljudske prirode, ugrađen u naše gene, evoluirao je u odnosima između pojedinaca ili malih grupa. Rast ljudske populacije i tehnološki napredak, posebno u masovnim komunikacijama, stvorili su nove kontekste za glupost kao pokornost, ciljajući velike grupe: klase, nacije, identitete.

Drugim rečima, sama činjenica da je neki transakcioni odnos asimetričan—jedna grupa vrši vlast nad drugom—rezultira time da ova druga prihvata ulogu glupog unutar tog odnosa. Jednom usvojena u određenim domenima, glupost se širi i na druge, jer je teško prebacivati se između gluposti i intelektualne kompetencije pri prelasku sa teme na temu i sa odnosa na odnos. Glupost se teško obuzdava.

Istoriju pišu pobednici, diskurse konstrušu dominantni. Opšta je tendencija ljudskih kultura da glupost izazvanu realizovanom moći predstavljaju kao izbor potlačenih. Uzročna veza je preokrenuta: potlačeni nisu glupi zbog asimetričnih transakcionih odnosa; oni se percipiraju kao neko ko bira glupost umesto razuma iz afiniteta ili lenjosti, čime se opravdava njihovo ugnjetavanje. Ugnjetač prihvata teret odgovornosti za njih, tvrdeći da je sva njegova dobit u tom odnosu opravdana (ukoliko se uopšte dozvoli govor o koristi) jer bez njega potlačeni, koji odbijaju da preuzmu odgovornost za sebe, ne bi preživeli.

Na nivou različitih kultura, ova dinamika je institucionalizovana u predstavi o poklanjanju ideologije. Ugnjetač tvrdi da je on izabran da primi univerzalnu ideologiju. Ili da ju je otkrio, ili razvio. I to je ono što ga čini superiornim. Bilo da se radi o afinitetu bogova, helenskoj kulturnoj integraciji, pravnoj državi, hrišćanstvu, islamu ili liberalnom progresivizmu, ideologija pripada ugnjetaču, koji je velikodušno deli sa potlačenima. Činjenica da potlačeni ne uspevaju u potpunosti da usvoje poklonjenu ideologiju (ne samo zato što je ona nekompatibilna sa njihovom kulturom, već i zato što je arbitar usvajanja pristrasni ugnjetač) opravdava njihov status potlačenih. Da su se malo više potrudili, da nisu tako lenji i korumpirani, suštinski: da nisu glupi, mogli bi živeti blaženim životom, ali oni biraju da to ne čine.

U ovoj dinamici, posebno u složenom okruženju globalizovanog sveta i masovnih medija, politike ugnjetača se razvijaju u pravcu maksimalizacije gluposti kod potlačenih. To zauzvrat znači maksimalizaciju opravdanja za ugnjetavanje i manipulaciju nad potlačenima, sa glavnim ciljem da maksimalizuje eksploataciju i komfor za ugnjetača.

Dinamika gluposti nije održiva: oblikuje se u rastućim balonima koji na kraju pucaju. Jaz se širi,  skrivena istina u osnovi diskursa se zaboravlja, ugnjetači poveruju u svoj diskurs, umore se od odgovornosti koju su oteli od potlačenih, i apetiti im rastu izvan održivog. Počinju se sukobljavati oko potlačenih. Potlačeni gube garancije za preživljavanje i nisu više spremni da se povinuju, napuštaju glupost. Ovo dovodi do katastrofalnih događaja koji resetuju neke dimenzije procesa. Tada isti proces, sa istim izgledima, počinje ispočetka.

Ne samo etički, već i pragmatično, glupost je seme propasti. Što više gluposti, manje je odgovornosti, zadovoljstva i motivacije. Što više gluposti, više je sukoba i nasilja. Što više gluposti, bliži je kolaps. Naša metaodgovornost je da ne odustajemo od odgovornosti. Za onog koga društvenoistorijska dinamika vuče da postane ugnjetač, to znači da ne preuzima odgovornosti od drugih, da ne eksploatiše i ne ugnjetava. Za onog kog vuče da bude potlačeni, to znači odbacivanje gluposti, suočavanje sa realnošću i traženje načina za njeno poboljšanje.

Vraćajući se na Transakcionu analizu, pitanje od najvećeg interesa može se formulisati ovako: Da li je ljudsko društvo, na nivou grupe, ograničeno na dve neuravnotežene uloge: na roditeljsko i dečje ego-stanje, na ugnjetača i potlačenog? Da li ima kapacitet da razvije odnose na nivou ego stanja odraslih? I ako je odgovor pozitivan, koji je način da se to postigne?

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Overcoming stupidity

A universal characteristic of relationships within human society is that the oppressed, subordinate, exploited are portrayed as intellectually inferior: as irresponsible, incapable of taking care of themselves, and incompetent in organizing their community. This applies both to relationships among individuals and among communities. And this portrayal is not false: the subordinate person indeed typically behaves irresponsibly, incompetently, and incapably—in short, they behave stupidly. The question of why this is the case, often prompted by frustration over the inability to change it, has a long history in human thought. If something that seems universal is even possible to change, the change certainly involves understanding the phenomenon and raising awareness of it. This is my small contribution toward that goal.

In Transactional Analysis, a school of thought in psychology, three types of ego states are recognized: the child ego state (emotionally authentic yet vulnerable, seeking gratification), the parent ego state (bearing values, hence supportive or judgmental), and the adult ego state (rational, objective, balanced, fair). The former two have been argued to be less stable and less prone to rational perspectives than the adult state.

In social relations, the parent-child states dynamics may relate to Dietrich Bonhoeffer's views on stupidity. Bonhoeffer observed that stupidity is a social rather than an individual-psychological phenomenon. He spoke of willful ignorance: people willfully ignore epistemic and ethical considerations to conform to authority. This kind of stupidity flourishes in contexts of existential threat and strong social pressure. Mimicking th parent-child relationship, where parents take existential responsibility for their children, the oppressed pass the responsibility for their existence to the authority and take the roe of the intelectually inferior. Reason demands coherence and consistency, while authoritarian environments force people to believe what is not logical or true and to do what is not ethical. Assuming stupidity resolves the tension.

Pushing this reasoning further, stupidity is the main human sign of submission. In situations of strong subordination, the subordinated individual must play stupid. Signs of intelligence, lucidity, and knowledge are signs of insubordination. Do not think. Obey! The stupid cannot bear responsibility for their acts and existence; they relinquish their responsibility to the authority. They obey, trusting that the authority will ensure their survival.

This aspect of human nature, built into our genes, evolved in relations between individuals or small groups. The growth of human population and technological advances, especially in mass communication, have created new contexts for stupidity as submission, targeting large groups: classes, nations, identities.

In other words, the very fact that a transactional relationship is asymmetric—one group exerting power over another—results in the latter adopting stupidity within the relationship. Once adopted in certain domains, stupidity spreads to others, as it is difficult to switch from stupidity to intlectual competence while switching btween domains. Stupidity is not easily contained.

History is written by the victors, discourses are constructed by the dominant. It is a general tendency of human cultures to view the stupidity induced by exerted power as a choice of the oppressed. The causal relation is inverted: the oppressed are not stupid due to asymmetric transactional relations; they are perceived as choosing stupidity over reason out of afinity for it or laziness, thereby justifying their oppression. The oppressor accepts the burden of responsibility for them, claiming all profit in that relation is justified because without them, the oppressed, who refuse to take responsibility for themselves, would not survive.

This dynamic is institutionalized in the gifting of ideology. The oppressor claims to have been chosen to be given the universal ideology. Or that they discovered, or developed it. And this is what makes them superior. Whether it is the affinity of the gods, Hellenic cultural integration, the legal state, Christianity, Islam, or liberal progressivism, the ideology belongs to the oppressor, who generously shares it with the oppressed. The fact that the oppressed fail to fully adopt the ideology (not just because it is incompatible with their culture but also because the arbiter is the oppressor) justifies their oppressed status. If they tried a bit harder, if they were not so lazy and corrupt, essentially: if they were not stupid, they could live the blessed life, but they choose not to.

In this dynamic, especially in the complex environment of the globalized world and mass media, the policies of the oppressor develop to maximize the stupidity reaction of the oppressed. This, in turn, means maximizing justification of oppression and manipulation over the oppressed. Essentially, it maximizes exploitation and comfort for the oppressor.

The dynamics of stupidity are not sustainable: they are shaped in growing bubbles that eventually burst. The gap expands, the truth undrlying the discourse is forgotten, the oppressor grows tired of the responsibility they robbed from the oppressed, and their appetites grow beyond sustainability. They begin to clash over the oppressed. The oppressed lose the guarantees of survival. This leads to catastrophic events that reset some dimensions of the process. Then the same process, with the same outlook, starts over again.

Not just ethically, but also pragmatically, stupidity is the seed of doom. The more stupidity, the less responsibility, satisfaction, and motivation. The more stupidity, the more conflict and violence. The more stupidity, the closer the collapse. It is our meta-responsibility not to give up responsibility. For the likely oppressor, it means not taking responsibilities away, not exploiting and oppressing. For the likely oppressed, it means rejecting stupidity, facing the reality and seeking the ways to improve it.

Returning to Transactional Analysis, the question of highest interest can be formulated as: Is human society, at the group level, limited to the two imbalanced roles: the parent and the child state, the oppressor and the oppressed? Does it have the capacity to develop adult-state relations? And if the answer is positive, what is the way to achieve this?

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Opet o komunizmu i fašizmu (dva babina uštipka)

Biċe gusto u Francuskoj. Tamo, kao i drugde, ljudi glasaju protiv, a ne za. Protiv koga će glasati: Marin Le Pen (ispeglani fašista) ili Melenchona (komunista)?

Apropos prethodnog teksta, jedan moguċi litmus test je jevrejski glas (u meri u kojoj glasa kao blok, naravno). Pošto antiratni protesti idu često i svesno u antisemitizam, lako bi mogla da se desi neverovatna stvar da francuski Jevreji glasaju protiv levice (te tako za fašiste; vidi, npr. izjavu Serge Klasferda). Teško da će centar, zapravo desni centar, dovoljno podržati Melenchona.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Fašizam i Komunizam (Fascism and Communism)

Prvi je nešto bolje kotiran u kapitalizmu ili “na Zapadu”, kao manje zlo medju totalitarnim parnjacima. Kao političkom pokretu kroz istoriju mu se lakše veruje i lakše mu se zaboravljaju gresi. Percepcija je da će se vremenom ispraviti i vratiti u normalu. Drugi je na istom Zapadu čist djavo, nikako mu se ne može verovati, ni po koju cenu i do kraja sveta. Oba su rak rane, ali komunizam mora da se porazi ubistvom, fašizam može da se leči ili porazi hemo-terapijom.

Čini mi se da je fašizam tako ocenjen jer ljudi kojima je stalo mogu da se dogovore oko proizvodnje i ne mora potpuno da se ruši klasni sistem da bi se (državna) proizvodnja organizovala.

Britanska Imperija i Sovjetski Savez su arhetipovi u istoriji (kapitalizam i komunizam) i u njihovom odnosu se ogleda jednačina. U primeru Nemačke, iako je rak fašizma bio podaleko metastazirao, hemoterapija je bila uspešna samo uz pomoć drugog raka; sa ozbiljnim posledicama i po dobre i po loše terapeute.

Pečat greha fašizma je izbledeo, ali komunizma ne. Kao da lakše ravnotežimo surovu nadmenost nego surovu sentimentalnost. Iako bez sentimentalosti nema spasa. (komunizam odbacuje religiju, fašizam pravi bolje mašine?)


The first is somewhat better ranked in capitalism or "in the West," as a lesser evil among totalitarian counterparts. As a political movement throughout history, it is relatively easier to trust and to forget its sins. The perception is that it would correct itself over time and return to normal. In the same West, the other one is pure devil, it cannot be trusted at all, at any cost, and until the end of the world. Both are cancer wounds, but communism must be defeated by murder, fascism can be treated or defeated by chemotherapy.

It seems to me that fascism has been dealt with and is rated that way because people who care can agree on production and the class system does not have to be completely destroyed in order to organize (state) production.

British Empire and Soviet Union are archetypes in history (capitalism and communism) and their relationship reflects the equation. In the example of Germany, although the cancer of fascism had metastasized deeply, chemotherapy was only successful with the help of the other cancer; with serious consequences for both good and bad therapists.

The stamp of the sins of fascism has faded, but not of communism. It's as if we can more easily balance cruel arrogance than cruel sentimentality. Although there is no salvation without sentimentality. (communism discards religion, fascism makes better machines?)

Friday, April 12, 2024


Samo sam dvaput bio tamo, poslednji put - negde 2020 - bese mnogo sveta. Hor peva, pop sluzi na engleskom, a ja sedim s decom netremice jer tako nesto ne ocekujem u nasoj crkvi. Sveti Luka u gradicu McLean, Virginia, preko reke od prestonice. Zaboravih popovo ime, ali je bilo jedno od onih sto  zavrsavaju na ch, sto ga mozda vezuje za neku predjasnju emigraciju, posle prvog ili drugog svetskog rata (ovde sam cuo da se kaze i "cetnicka emigracija," a mozda prvosvetskoratovska vise vazi za Cikago, verovatno brkam stvari ne poznavajuci tu istoriju dovoljno dobro). Lepo je propovedao pop i uopste, mislio sam, ove reformisane crkve gde se nacija ne naglasava privlace ljude i organski i individualisticki, privlace one koji su zainteresovani da cuju. Crkvenoslovenski, bar mene, dosta odbija od crkve - osim bas kad hocu da se vidim sa ljudima ili o praznik kad je lepo vreme, pa idem da se druzim i procaskam malo.

Najveci utisak te posete je bio da je u crkvi bilo dosta Etiopljana (ili Eritrejaca), mozda cetiri ili pet porodica. Prvo pomislih: koliko ih zanima srpska kultura, sigurno je veza pravoslavno hriscanstvo i verovatno neke licne veze mozda preko studija u Srbiji iz Nesvrstanih dana, brakovi u dijaspori i slicno. Ili prosto, kao mi tada, ljudi zive u kraju i to nam je najblizi hram. U i oko D.C.-a ima mnogo Etiopljana i Eritrejaca, njihovih restorana i barova, a crkava ima desetak i vise. Zasto ovi ljudi dolaze bas u narecenu crkvu, ne znam tacno, ali ta sluzba bez filetizma mi se ucinila kao retka i dragocena. Isto, diletantski mislim, za danasnju Srbiju bi bilo sjajno da ima jace veze za Etiopijom. Kad svedem na plemenski racun, ja ih zaista vidim kao nase, isto koliko su mi nasi Rusi i Ukrajinci. Nadam se da vec postoji, ali ako ne -  ima li sanse za jace veze sa Etiopijom? Neko drustvo prijateljstva da preraste u razmenu studenata, amharski na Filoloskom, poslovi, projekti, da se pika basket i fudbal, maraton (Abebe Bikila!). Ipak je to stara kultura, ogromna zemlja i - sto da ne - da se obogacuje genetika sa obe strane. 

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Jutros rano

Jutros rano naletim na našeg čoveka, ovde u parku. Pitam ga kako je, kako njegovi, a on meni: "Nikako."
Pošto se tek slabo znamo, možda sam ga dvaput ranije video, ja zaćutah na tren, a on će: “Ma, zajebavam se, kako će im biti? U Srbiji je uvek dobro, samo narod kuka."
Mislim i ja slično kad mogu, prija mi lakoća.

Dolazi ovamo ponekad, da obidje sina iz prethodnog braka, inače živi u Beogradu. Ćaskamo mi tako, u nekom momentu izvuče pljosku s rakijom i ponudi. Šta ću, potegnem, i dam mu natrag. On potegne i vrati. Jedna druga, treća, mi ostadosmo u parku, bogami, pun sat. Ma, oduševio me čovek, svaka na mestu. Ne znam je li bilo do rakije, ali lepo beše, u početku.

E, već, kad sam se podnapio, a on ode u žbun da se olakša, zapitah se da li je to stvarno tako, da li je u Srbijici uvek dobro? Jest, ima hrane, ima svega, ljudi razgovorni i rasterećeni. Možda, u gradovima. Tamo svi imaju foru i prilično džabalebare, a mnogo više kukaju. Vlast je u gradovima, dosta ima do vlasti, snažan efekat na sve. Nekako je kuknjava na selu mlaka nus-pojava, kao neka igra kartama, preferans takoreći; a siromaštvo svejedno postoji, trećesvetsko. U gradu je sve ljuće. Nije dobro, naravno, u poredjenju sa ostatkom sveta. Ili je dobro jednima i onima okolo. Ni ta diktatura, sva sreća, ne ide do kraja, oštro, da se zna. I ona nešto gradi, trudi se da ide ukorak, koliko joj je neprosvećenoj moguće. Napola. Porodica se rastače, prodaje se magla, bes raste. Istina je da narod ima zašto da kuka. Zašto moji, brat, sestra, ujaci, stričevi, strine, tetke - zašto oni kukaju? I ja sam kukam. Naš čovek, ovaj od jutros, je potpuno u pravu.

Da završim priču, desi se čudna stvar, on izvadi čvaraka malo, praziluka i paradajza isečenog na kriške, i mi nastavismo. Ugrejali smo se dobro, samo on malo promenu ćurak.
Ovako poče: "Ali, ne lezi vraže."
Meni beše milo kad sam to čuo, izvadim telefon i otkažem sve drugo.
On ponovi: "Ne lezi vraže, ima tu jedan problem”, punim ustima zbori, “ovi nas spolja jebu kako stignu."
Pomislim, da li tu baš stoji ‘ne lezi vraže’ ili sam već sve zaboravio, ali, dobro, da se ne fokusiram van fabule, krenem i ja da se udubljujem.
"Ko nas jebe?", pitam.
"Pa, svi", kaže.
"Je l nam lepo?" pitam, odgrizavši praziluka.
"Lepo nam je" kaže on, "jebu nas, a nama lepo".
"Ne zvuči kao problem", rekoh više za sebe, da ne izgubim nit.
On se, kao, tad malo naljuti na mene: “Ma, jebi se", reče.

Smeškam se i ja, prodje desetak sekundi, čini mi se; tek, zavali mi šamarčinu. Nije da nije bolelo. Ali, zaslužio sam bio. Uzmaknem polako i poizdaleka mu se zahvalim na društvu i krenem kući. Ne sećam se sad tačno da li sam izgovorio ili sam samo pomislio, pozovem ga da dodje na slavu, biće tad u gradu; ili je on mene pozvao, ne znam više. Tako se rastadosmo. Dok sam išao kući, sve vreme mislim -nadam se- da možda bolje razumem svet. Takav je uticaj na mene imao čovek.

Evo stigoh i pišem odmah da ne zaboravim. Onakvog paradajza nisam jeo, čvarke ne znam ni gde bih našao, dobra rakija, sve sjajno. A ta šljaga, neke stvari mogu da se, izgleda, zaustave ili preusmere, obustave samo prikladnim šamarom. Svet, odrasli okoreli svet, ide utabanom stazom, dok ne padne prikladni šamar. Inače su sve mahom izbori izmedju dve-tri opcije koje se ne razlikuju značajno (iako je život jedan). “Trade offs”, kako ovde kažu, manje zlo. Poreklo šljage skoro da i nije bitno, stohastički je proces.

Nisam dovoljno religiozan, da uzletim u apsolutno nepoznato. Možda do Lava Šestova, ili do Spinoze da dobacim bar, teorijski. Lek je jasan, nepoznati naš Georgije (uticaj, oslobodilac) da ubije poznatu aždaju (kontrola, tlačitelj). Moglo bi da se desi. Polu-diktator bi mogao ozbiljan legat da izvaja, ne bi ga mnogo koštalo u politici, jak je - osim što mu je život moguća cena. Trade-off taj nije trica. Država, crkva i kriminal - tri stubića na terasi, da ne mešaju puzavice i svima lepo. A država, dok je ima, će polako svoditi nemar i kriminal na meru, iako je sve u božjim rukama i sve je moguće.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Deda Mraz i druga Srbija

Ovaj blog je preopširna i netražena fusnota na bata-Soletov poslednji tekst. On iz Centra vidi zapadne dobrotvore, prosvetitelje i reformatore - njihove motive i efekte; a ja - možda jer sam bliže, i češće boravim u Srbiji - ne mogu da se oslobodim perspektive Periferije.

Ima onaj vic "Koliko imaš godina? ... I jošuvek veruješ u Deda-Mraza?". Mi Srbi, iako najstariji narod, iz sve snage i sa puno strasti verujemo u Deda-Mraza, i u Deda-Mrazove, i već smo i zaboravili da imamo gaće. Mi verujemo da će Amerikanci plaćati nevladine organizacije da bi podigli nivo ljudskih prava u Srbiji, ili da će Rusi napraviti centar kako bi nam pomagali u slučaju prirodnih nepogoda. I prepoznaćemo milion neprijatelja, i prepreka, da bismo opravdali izostanak tog rezultata, i posle trideset godina i trideset prirodnih katastrofa.

Koliko god ta podela bila odbacivana, prva, druga i treća Srbija su pojmovi koji opisuju ne samo stvarnu, nego i veoma važnu društvenu realnost. Prva Srbija je ustvari cela Srbija. O trećoj Srbiji ne bih trošio reči (ali ću napisati par redova na kraju). Želim da pišem o drugoj Srbiji. Jer onako kako je vidim, ona okuplja važan deo zajednice, koji je ključan za ostvarenje njenih osnovnih interesa, i umesto da je organizuje, upravlja u razvoju i napredovanju - ona prihvata sasvim suprotnu ulogu. Ono što ću reći nije nekakva optužba druge Srbije, iako će verovatno tako biti čitano. Druga Srbija je samo osobina stadijuma u razvoju civilizacije, ona je činjenica bez agentivnosti i svesti, pravilnost u društvenom dinamizmu našeg vremena. I ako želimo da mislimo o nečem boljem, moramo da mislimo o tome kako prekonfigurisati tu sferu koju ovde opisujem kao drugu Srbiju.

Druga Srbija kakva jeste je rezultat kasnog kapitalizma. Njegove individualističke ideologije. Cilj mog života je da meni bude bolje u koordinatnom sistemu određenom drugima. Ako svima bude jednako dobro, pa čak i ako svima bude u jednakoj meri bolje, ništa nisam uradio. Individue koje su bolje prilagođene uslovima ne rade na tome da pomognu celoj zajednici (solidarnost), već konstruišu novi identitet - identitet bolje prilagođenih, i razvijaju oportunu ideologiju kojom racionalizuju sebičnost i gramzivost. 

Druga Srbija zato sebe predstavlja kao reakciju na prvu. Kao modernizatora koji treba da preokrene istorijsku regresiju, da nas vrati tamo gde pripadamo, ali je u tome sprečava ono drugo, to jest prvo - ona Srbija koja se u okolnostima ne snalazi jednako dobro. Druga Srbija sebi pripisuje složeni stereotip koji uključuje progresivnost, pragmatičnost, razumnost, posvećenost visokom nivou zaštite ljudskih prava, socijalnoj pravdi - čak sebe često etiketira kao levicu. Ona sebe vidi kao čistu, tolerantnu, slobodnu od predrasuda, naučnu, vaspitanu i finu, "kulturnu", sklonu finoj umetnosti, obrazovanu, svezubu, umivenu. Kada nas Zapad sretne na ulici ili svrati kod nas na kafu, da ne misli o nama kao o smrdljivoj sirotinji, varvarima, marvi koju treba kultivisati i oplemenjivati, nego da se oseti među svojima. Dok muze, da mu ne smrdi.

Druga Srbija sebe vidi kao deo Zapada. Zapad ima moć da stvori i plasira sliku koja drugoj Srbiji pomaže da postoji i živi sa samom sobom, a ima i moć da onda drugoj Srbiji pruži nešto podrške, zaštite, ponudi neka obećanja, i time je drži na svojoj liniji. 

Druga Srbija u potpunosti počiva na ponuđenoj ideji da je Srbija Zapad, i da, kad bismo svi to prihvatili, Srbija bi i bila Zapad, i (što je najvažnije) imala zapadni standard i zapadni nivo ljudskih prava, i zapadni ekonomski i politički tretman u svetu, i jednostavno bi sa drugim zapadnim državama živela u jednoj velikoj i srećnoj porodici. Da bi se Srbija u sekundi preselila s Periferije u Centar, postala bogata, ugledna, i dobila zaštitu protiv svih koji to nisu. Druga Srbija je bezrezervno uverena da zapadni Deda Mraz ako i ne daje bezuslovnu ljubav, ako i traži nešto za uzvrat - on traži beznačajno malo. A daje tako mnogo.

Druga Srbija je očajna jer ona za sebe jeste Zapad, ali ne uživa u plodovima te činjenice, ne živi Sex-and-the-City-život, samo zato što deli prostor i identitet sa prvom Srbijom. Ona ne razume da kao što ona neće prigrliti prvu Srbiju - već će učestvovati u njenom eksploatisanju, tako ni neki Zapad ili neki Centar neće prigrliti nju i odreći se predmeta eksploatacije, šta god ona učinila za njega.

Druga Srbija je u kognitivnoj disonanci između svesti o svojoj nadmoći, o nadmoći svojih stavova, i o nadmoći Zapada uopšte, i predstave o potisnutosti, o obespravljenosti, o tome da njen položaj i njeno učešće u društvu i državi ostaje daleko ispod onoga gde bi trebalo da bude. Ona smatra da je viši kvalitet života koji uživa u odnosu na prvu Srbiju delom stvar izbora (jedite kolača), a delom privilegija koja je zaslužena drugosrbijanskim opredeljenjem i umišljenom žrtvom koju za njega podnosi. Druga Srbija je u kognitivnoj disonanci i kad je reč o učešću u diktatorskom režimu, pa Ana Brnabić, Biljana Srbljanović, Tanja Miščević, Goran Miletić i jesu i nisu druga Srbija: druga Srbija će na primer deliti po mrežama njihove tekstove koji eksplicitno ne promovišu režim, i prećutkivati, ili se čuditi na tekstove koji to čine.

Druga Srbija perpetuira kolonijalni diskurs, i aktivno posreduje kolonijalne interese. Opšti je kolonijalni obrazac da kolonizatori u kolonijama stvaraju elitu koja pomaže u održavanju kolonijalnog odnosa, u njemu prepoznaje prosvetitetljske i reformatorske ciljeve i rezultate, koja kolonizatora vidi kao nešto više, bolje i želi da mu saobrazi i sebe i ostatak svoje zajednice. Danas zapravo kolonijalni odnos obuhvata ne samo međudržavne odnose, već pre svega one između kaste ekstremno bogatih sa jedne strane, i siromašnih i diskriminisanih sa druge strane. Globalizacijom je poopšten na odnos eksploatacije jedne zajednice od strane druge.

Razrađeni modus operandi je da eksploatator sam podstiče, podržava, plaća eksploatisanog da se emancipuje, da napreduje, da ojača. Novac se daje njegovim predstavnicima: samoimenovanim zastupnicima ljudskih prava, LGBT+ populacije, žena, migranata, ili pak kada je o državama reč kolonijalnim vlastima - izabranim predstavnicima kolonizovane većine. Njihovo je koji će deo tog novca, tog fragmenta kolonijalnog profita cinično 'doniranog' koloniji (uz sva 'civilizacijska dostignuća' koja se doniraju u prosvetiteljsko-reformatorskom zanosu) upotrebiti da u dozvoljenim okvirima unaprede neki aspekt života zajednice, a koji deo će zadržati da unaprede sve aspekte svog života, da se osete delom privilegovane kolonizatorske zajednice i pokupe neku mrvicu s njihove trpeze hedonizma. Druga Srbija i režim imaju istu ulogu: oni su sredstvo sistemske korupcije čija je svrha posredovanje eksploatacije zajednice koju zastupaju, umirivanje njenog nezadovoljstva i uklanjanje prostora za samoorganizovanje i pobunu. I druga Srbija i režim sve to racionalizuju narativom koji im eskploatator ispostavlja - strogo zapadnim u slučaju druge Srbije, a zapadnim, ruskim, kineskim i drugim u slučaju vlasti, jer ona je prinuđena da opšti sa više različitih Deda-Mrazova. I onda Ane Brnabić i Tanje Miščević i nisu eksces nego očekivana prelazna zona.

Uloga druge Srbije i svih predstavnika eksploatisanih koje bira eksploatator je da izdaju svoju zajednicu. Da joj oduzmu moć pobune. Da joj oduzmu inteligenciju, obrazovanje, ideološki kapacitet, da joj objasne da trpi i strada zato što je glupa, prljava, primitivna, netolerantna (jer tolerancija, a ne solidarnost), zla, zato što će pre glasati za Vučića u tuđem gradu za 10 evra nego tiho umirati izdana u svom blatu, glasavši za pravog Deda-Mraza, koji će nas konačno učiniti Zapadom i Centrom.

Treća Srbija eksploatiše reakciju prve Srbije na drugu. Tamo gde prva Srbija prepozna svoju odbačenost i izdanost, treća Srbija uskače sa negativom sistema vrednosti druge Srbije. Rusija mesto Zapada (jer ona ne muze fino, kao Zapad, nego stegne muški), nejednakost mesto jednakosti, nazadnost mesto progresivnosti. Kao da je problem druge Srbije u vrednostima koje prisvaja, a ne u tome što te vrednosti izdaje. Treća Srbija (i slični pokreti širom sveta, od Orbana do Trampa) kaže: vidite kakvi demagozi su oni koji promovišu istinske vrednosti, i zato živele njihove suprotnosti, sve ono što je najgore i najmračnije. Treća Srbija je u simbiozi sa drugom, ona bez nje ne može, ona potvrđuje pretenzije druge Srbije na istinske vrednosti i dodatno lišava prvu Srbiju kapaciteta za emancipaciju (zapravo, ona i odriče emancipaciju kao vrednost). Ona prvoj Srbiji podmeće diskurs po kome su njeno siromaštvo, njena neobrazovanost, neorganizovanost, zaostalost - deo njenog identiteta, vrednosti koje treba da čuva i slavi.

Ima li izlaza? Mora da ima. U svim onim istinskim vrednostima koje druga Srbija sada uzurpira. I u onima koje narativ serviran drugoj Srbiji izbegava, kao što su solidarnost, kolektivnost, ekonomska jednakost, razumevanje, ljubav. Treba prvo pogledati u sebe otvorenim očima, i priznati sebi sve zablude. Iskreno raditi na promeni, stalno držeći na umu da deda Mraz ne postoji, da je meni stvarno bolje ako je i drugima bolje, da imamo samo jedni druge i jedni drugima dajemo snagu.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Rebuilding from the Outside

It is to be expected that the astute reform-minded statesmen and stateswomen inevitably try their trade outside their borders/countries. They become interventionists, eager to control progress.

Desire to control is natural, but difficult to practice in a well functioning society, so they engage in rebuilding of another state. Their ideals duly take them in the direction of total reform. With a stated goal of liberation of so and so, they advocate, even mandate, a better government over there than they could ever effect here, in their own countries. Such outside reformers are called political consultants*; they can be hired or are imposed (there is no clear line between the two), and are triggered by failed or excessively tribal regimes.

Consultants are human and have their own interests (as do their home countries), but they are supposed to have good intentions. They come from well established democratic republics** with imperialist past or present, and get paid well for consultations. They are as universal as suicide: a fact of life. Their respective home countries have enormous influence through money and accrued street credit of modern democracy. This influence cannot be contested or negotiated, because otherwise there would be no money coming in for the said reforms, which a wannabe recipient needs to do in order to regain respect and future money. Consultants stand to gain potentially enormous additional money through positioning themselves to be the first to a big slice of a service or an industry of the rebuilding state. The new regime of which owes them, or thinks it owes them this opportunity, to ensure continued support.

Control that the consultants and their home states can exercise in rebuilding a country whose regime they just helped topple can never be exercised in their own states. They effectively become top managers. The problem is that such managerial control has neither a positive outcome nor is true to the reformers’ ideals. Their nihilism is carefully concealed even from themselves. Lenin and Trotsky*** share the same part of the spectrum: morally righteous, but politically destructive because it unwittingly invites thuggery as a reaction.

[see related post Klintonova: CG primer za ceo region below: "Prava veština je, naravno, imati demokratiju, a ne skinuti gaće."]


[*] They have  political clout, or so they claim; if there is any clout, it is short-term, dependent on the party in power to which they have allegiance in their home countries.

[**] No one hires fascist consultants, although that could make for a good skit.

[***] James Burnham's character arc is a good mirror - from a Trotskyite and Trotsky's personal friend to writing The Managerial Revolution (which opens with a quote from the [sic] April 1, 1537 letter by Machiavelli), and later Suicide of the West.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Whose language do Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs speak?

Bosniaks, Croats, and Serbs effortlessly engage in communication with each other, utilizing their respective regional language varieties. In cases where some Croats or Serbs do not share this linguistic compatibility, they encounter similar challenges when attempting to communicate with many others from their respective ethnic groups. It is common for individuals from two or all three of these ethnic backgrounds to reside in the same villages or towns, and as a result, their linguistic patterns often exhibit more similarity to each other than to many members of their own ethnic communities.

However, nationalists tend to be conservative, in the Balkans in particular. In line with the 19th century doctrine of nationalism, they consider that language is a central attribute of a nation: a nation without an own language is not a nation.

Croatian nationalists identify their language as Croatian and contend that historically and to this day, it has remained distinctly separate from neighboring languages. Bosniak nationalists identify their language as Croatian and contend that historically and to this day, it has remained distinctly separate from neighboring languages. Serbian nationalists maintain that the language spoken by Bosniaks, Croats, and Serbs is a single language, correctly classified as Serbian. And they are all talking complete nonsense.

The debate is rooted in two fundamental questions: What is the subject of ownership? and Who has ownership? We will explore these questions, beginning with the first. The subject of ownership is the language or languages, and while this may appear straightforward, defining what constitutes a language is the initial challenge we must address.

For instance, one might consider Serbian as the language that individuals of Serbian ethnicity typically and naturally use for mutual communication. However, the assertion that they speak the same language cannot be made, not only for an entire ethnic community but even for just two individuals. Languages are broad approximations. Each proficient adult commands numerous linguistic varieties, known as registers, which they employ in various contexts, and even these registers are only approximations. The boundaries between them are not clearly defined. Furthermore, even if one were to somehow rigidly identify a register (which is an impossible task, given the infinite range of expressions it encompasses), no single register exists that two different individuals share. What we can discuss is a degree of similarity or difference, but not between unique varieties specific to each individual. Instead, it would need to involve vague sets of varieties, ranging from those individuals are fully proficient in and confident using to those they can only command to a limited extent. Quantifying such a measure comprehensively is exceedingly challenging, involving the assessment of the entire landscape of linguistic varieties spoken by two individuals and then comparing them. When it comes to two populations, this task becomes nearly unimaginable. From the perspective of ownership, the conclusion arises that the collective body of language encompassing the three ethnic groups (and possibly extending beyond their boundaries) represents a single indistinct vague language that cannot be viewed in terms of ownership.

This is akin to asserting that there are distinct ways of walking: the Bosniak, the Croatian, and the Serbian walk. Or alternatively, that there is just one way of walking, which is the Serbian walk, and Bosniaks and Croats walk in the same manner as Serbians. Language is inherently something that cannot be completely encapsulated, whether at an individual or communal level. It does not provide a sensible basis for distinguishing between groups and their identities when linguistic boundaries between them lack clear demarcation (like there is a clear demarcation between the walking styles of humans and horses).

Back to the conservativity and nationalism. In the nationalist dispute, it is not the actual langauge and the actual linguistic competence of their speakers that is the object of discussion. Nationalists are linguistic prescriptivists. That means that they believe that people should not speak spontaneously, relying on their capacities and competences, but instead follow certain rules that have been prescribed by the appropriate authorities. Then the possession is over those rules, rather than about the actual language how it is spoken. This view deserves no discussion, as it is not about how language is - it is rather a tool used by certain social groups to gain power. Symptomatically, however, their conservatism has led the self-proclaimed linguistic authorities of each of the three ethic groups to specify nearly identical sets of rules. Thus, switching again to the question of possession, even in this perspective, it cannot be claimed that these are three different languages, and since each group could, and did, perform its own ritual of prescribing - it also cannot be claimed that it belongs to one group and not to the others. Thus, from the untenable perspective of prescribed language too, there is only one language, and it is shared by the three groups.

Returning to the concepts of conservativity and nationalism, in the nationalist discourse, the focal point is not the actual language and the genuine linguistic competence of its speakers. Nationalists adopt a prescriptive approach to language, meaning they advocate for specific rules imposed by authoritative figures, rather than endorsing spontaneous, capacity- and competence-based speech. Consequently, the focus shifts to adherence to these rules, rather than the authentic spoken language. This viewpoint is not even a valid view of langauge itself; rather, it serves as a tool employed by certain social groups to assert their influence and power.

Ironically, the conservativeness of these groups has led the self-proclaimed linguistic authorities of each of the three ethnic communities to establish nearly identical sets of rules. Thus, circling back to the question of ownership, even from this perspective of prescribed language, it cannot be asserted that these are three distinct languages. Since each group has undertaken its own prescriptive efforts, it is equally unjustifiable to claim that the language belongs exclusively to one group and not to the others. Consequently, even from the untenable standpoint of prescribed language, there is only one shared language among the three ethnic groups.

The designations "Bosnian," "Croatian," and "Serbian" languages ultimately persist as either vaguely synonymous or devoid of substantial meaning. If there is any meaning conveyed by these labels, it represents something intangible and unpossessable. None of the three ethnic groups, or anyone more broadly, can assert one-to-one association, let alone true ownership over this intangible essence.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Neke Teme

Neke teme mogu da izdrže i izvuku i očiglednu i neumerenu patetiku, poput teme ovog filma (doduše uz visoko kvalitetnu estetiku):

Potpuno me je razbio, ovako odvojenog od porodice, pogotovu što pritom Dunja i ja delimo tu holandsku priču, bicikle, i stalno odlaženje i vraćanje.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Prazna čaša (rmx: iznenađenja)

Kafana je puna sveta
Svako se za pesmu sprema
Tako želim da si sa mnom
Ali tebe sa mnom nema.

Kafana je puna sveta
svakog dana svet se menja
Ako želiš da si sa mnom
Spremi se na iznenađenja.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Tragedija spektakla

U spektaklu još jedne omanje tragedije moj heroj je debeljko u centru kadra. Washington DC juče, pucnji u glavnom gradu, kod zgrade Kongresa.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Danilo Kiš

Danilo Kiš would have been the author representing long-term consciousness for Yugoslavia and Serbia. Briefly popular in the country and abroad, and an intellectual influence on the new popular culture at the time (Novi Talas), he was being attacked publicly by Belgrade's macho nationalist-communists. Some of them were good, acclaimed writers, translated to many languages themselves (Miodrag Bulatović and Branimir Šćepanović), or local literary critics (Dragan Jeremić). They were critiquing Kiš supposedly on the merit of his art, but in fact from a parochial all-knowing angle, convinced of recognizing forgery in his use of sources, attacked him ad hominem. Kiš fought back in what became a theatrical brawl - the "Kiš affair" (it is a bit of a surprise that there are no plays written about it, but maybe there are for all I know). Kiš was definitely better read, better educated, and informed, but not necessarily their literary superior. He knew several languages and had an ear for what was going on in the outside, current, ever more complicated world. He was one of those artists always looking for the perfect form, but not the one form to set all his work in, rather a form that is perfect just for the piece he is writing at the time, a form particular to the text. He was an artist.

He cited Shklovsky as an influence among others (and the term ostranenie, in Serbo-Croatian oneobičavanje, which translates as estrangement, defamiliarization, or better enstrangement, as per Benjamin Sher). While perfecting his craft, he found in Borgesian manner the way to write. But he was an after-the-fact fantastic realist. Borges is only reaffirming Kiš's technique, that technique is already his. When he gets to know the Argentinian's work he has already tried his hand at the similar documents-in-text tricks, for instance. It is, instructive to see the three mentioned intellectual towers entangled: Borges, Kiš, and Shklovsky.

It is argued here that the major difference between the appeal of Borges and of Kiš is that the former does not take things too seriously, if that makes sense. Both are erudite, but Borges is playful and conformist. He is more optimistic and is able through language proximity (Spanish is more accessible to the Anglophone public), longevity, and aristocratic lightness to appeal to the wide readership. Kiš is serious, often gloomy, and only sometimes (brilliantly) humorous. I'd dare suggest that the solemnity comes from the war experience if nothing else, the death of his father and the life intimate with the war drama. This light/dark difference between the two was commented on by Kiš himself, and by own account was the impetus for "A Tomb for Boris Davidovich." Kiš thought that lightness does not get at the heart of art's purpose, which is to make the world more bearable.

In the Yugo variety of communism, which mellowed out fore few years in the 1970s, Kiš was able to be in a respectable self-exile in Paris. He was not harassed, or anyone close to him, and he was popular in his native country, but beyond the interested in "Kiš affair" he did not have much of a readership in United States. Shklovsky, post-mortem, helped his case. It is fair to say that after the publication of Shklovsky's work, the momentum in Dalkey Archive led to publishing Kiš. The two can be grouped, in Cross-Atlantic understanding, into a geo-political entity that is Eastern Europe, or Central Europe, Slavic Europe, or unrepresented Europe. For the sake of the argument, following the earlier mention that juxtaposes Borges and Kiš, I would like to bring in Shklovsky to complete the discussion on the role of lightness and darkness vis-a-vis personal history, literary ouvre, and readership. I think their histories can be usefully reduced here, Kiš's public persona was attacked similar to Shklovsky's, and the Russian was made an exile. With historical distance, it could be said that local literary skirmishes were to be expected for those two, and they are united with Borges in the way they were apolitical, but were politically prosecuted. Theirs is the art of the civil society (the more their own societies' cultures accept them, the more they are civil and impersonally open). Shklovsky was an elitist, as were Kiš and Borges (but Kiš lived only 50+ years, Borges and Shklovsky to 80+!), and all three were elitist perhaps due to their erudition. That is often the cause, anyway.

Susan Sontag mentioned latent anti-semitism as one of the reasons why Kiš was pilloried, but I don't think this was the case. It was because he was perceived as an unethical, righteous, and unapologetic loud mouth that would have taken down the literary establishment and questioned mercilessly the entrenched macho-aesthetic values. More important, Kiš's peers knew that he was a great writer, but in their own uninformed parochial ways thought it better to attack him for his firmly individualist worldview than to separate the personal from the literary. It was a tale of local elites threatened by an elitist. While it is not easily reducible to the rubric of individualist vs collectivist histories, it shows that it has always been difficult to be civil in those geo-political parts (Kiš's fellow-citizen from Subotica, Radomir Konstantinović, described it well in his "Filosofija palanke" [Small-town philosophy]).

Kiš died of cancer and did not live to see the Balkan shit in the 1990s. These days his work is receiving renewed interest in the Anglophone world (many of his works published by the great Dalkey Archive), and his readership is hopefully getting much bigger. His fiction and essays have been relevant, but not widely read, and I think he will, if he does not already, like Borges and Shklovsky start to belong to the world rather than the Balkans or "Other Europe". He will achieve a duly world renown, and in the process his attackers will also get fresh exposure. The irony is that they have been mentioned alongside Kiš in foreign anthologies, as representing fantastic realism of Eastern European flavor. They will be judged by their art, in a civil society.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Direktor mlekare operski pevac

Da li ima ovih dana direktora mlekare operskog pevača? Mlekara i Opera. Sreten Živković Keta iz Niša.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Klintonova: CG primer za region


Ne znam je li primer time što je jedina drzava u (geografskoj) Evropi koja od pada Berlinskog zida nije imala promenu vlasti, ili po tome što je jedinstveni primer dvostruke prirode društvenih institucija: državne i mafijaške. Naravoučenije: ako nemaš demokratiju i vladaš totalitarno, ali skineš gaće - onda si primer svima. Ako nemaš demokratiju i vladaš totalitarno, ali ne skineš gaće - onda si diktatura i ugrožavaš ljudska prava.

Prava veština je, naravno, imati demokratiju, a ne skinuti gaće. Ali u odnosima dve demokratske drzave, po prirodi demokratije, tj. po zakonu spojenih sudova, ona jača nenasilno skida gaće onoj slabijoj (ako unutar nekih demokratskih zajednica i postoje pokušaji da se manjina zaštiti od većine, u međudržavnim odnosima toga ili nema, ili se svodi na farsu). Tako ostaju tri mogućnosti. Možeš da živiš u državi:
a) koja je nedemokratska i ne skida gaće (dok joj ih ne skinu na silu, tamo gde mogu), npr. Kina, Rusija, Belorusija, Mongolija, Venecuela, Kuba, Iran, Severna Koreja, još neko vreme Sirija, ili nekada, Bog da im dušu prosti, Libija i Irak;
b) koja je nedemokratska i skida gaće, npr. pomenuta Crna Gora, Pakistan, Saudijska Arabija (nagradno pitanje: zašto je njih najmanje?) i
c) koja je demokratska, pa onda ako si mali - odose gaće, a ako si veći - a ti biraj.

Srbija je u ovom sistemu malo dezorijentisana. Cilja demokratiju, ali je konstantno promašuje, a gaće spusta na nervnoj bazi, bez ikakvog plana i zadovoljstva.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Kindle design note

Kindle Keyboard ==> Keyndle
Amazon Kindle 3.JPG

Friday, November 9, 2012

YouTube Vs YouTube

Male and Female

Similar melody and rhythm, both songs swell with an incredible pathos. Here sung by the great Ksenija Cicvarić and Cune Gojković.

Mlada Jelka ljubi Janka
kao život svoj.

Zašto tajno ti ne dodješ meni,
Janko moj.

Imam jednu želju
da ti tvoja medna usta bar jednom poljubim.

Pa da se nikada
iz sna ne probudim.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Day at Work

In the underground. Turn the sound on.

Day at Work 20121018 from slobodan mitrovic on Vimeo.

Creative Commons License
Neodinamika by Arsenijevic and Mitrovic is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.