Thursday, June 27, 2024

Fašizam i Komunizam (Fascism and Communism)

Prvi je nešto bolje kotiran u kapitalizmu ili “na Zapadu”, kao manje zlo medju totalitarnim parnjacima. Kao političkom pokretu kroz istoriju mu se lakše veruje i lakše mu se zaboravljaju gresi. Percepcija je da će se vremenom ispraviti i vratiti u normalu. Drugi je na istom Zapadu čist djavo, nikako mu se ne može verovati, ni po koju cenu i do kraja sveta. Oba su rak rane, ali komunizam mora da se porazi ubistvom, fašizam može da se leči ili porazi hemo-terapijom.

Čini mi se da je fašizam tako ocenjen jer ljudi kojima je stalo mogu da se dogovore oko proizvodnje i ne mora potpuno da se ruši klasni sistem da bi se (državna) proizvodnja organizovala.

Britanska Imperija i Sovjetski Savez su arhetipovi u istoriji (kapitalizam i komunizam) i u njihovom odnosu se ogleda jednačina. U primeru Nemačke, iako je rak fašizma bio podaleko metastazirao, hemoterapija je bila uspešna samo uz pomoć drugog raka; sa ozbiljnim posledicama i po dobre i po loše terapeute.

Pečat greha fašizma je izbledeo, ali komunizma ne. Kao da lakše ravnotežimo surovu nadmenost nego surovu sentimentalnost. Iako bez sentimentalosti nema spasa. (komunizam odbacuje religiju, fašizam pravi bolje mašine?)


The first is somewhat better ranked in capitalism or "in the West," as a lesser evil among totalitarian counterparts. As a political movement throughout history, it is relatively easier to trust and to forget its sins. The perception is that it would correct itself over time and return to normal. In the same West, the other one is pure devil, it cannot be trusted at all, at any cost, and until the end of the world. Both are cancer wounds, but communism must be defeated by murder, fascism can be treated or defeated by chemotherapy.

It seems to me that fascism has been dealt with and is rated that way because people who care can agree on production and the class system does not have to be completely destroyed in order to organize (state) production.

British Empire and Soviet Union are archetypes in history (capitalism and communism) and their relationship reflects the equation. In the example of Germany, although the cancer of fascism had metastasized deeply, chemotherapy was only successful with the help of the other cancer; with serious consequences for both good and bad therapists.

The stamp of the sins of fascism has faded, but not of communism. It's as if we can more easily balance cruel arrogance than cruel sentimentality. Although there is no salvation without sentimentality. (communism discards religion, fascism makes better machines?)

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